On Monday, September 21, a number of our i3 employees received a seemingly harmless email from Microsoft. It looked like this:

Mike Ritsema, after seeing the email, forwarded it to our security training professional, Benny, and asked to confirm if it was part of a security test for the week. Benny responded, "Not me. This is a legitimate phishing email."
Even our IT specialists receive these phishing emails - chances are, your employees do, too. Remember to always stay cautious, especially when it comes to emails from well-recognized companies. Scammers can easily tweak corporate emails and replace the content with malicious links. Train your employees regularly on cybersecurity and the risks involved. If your company needs help with training and education, reach out to i3 and we can help you today. If you'd like to receive tech tip emails from i3 Business Solutions, you can sign up here.
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