Brian Smith

Dispatcher – Customer Service Coordinator

I have an associates in PC Specialist from Davenport University and my past work experience has been in banking. I started with providing customer service to our clients (both financial institutions and end users), data processing, hardware support, training staff, and managing remote facilities. I would work with many different aspects of the financial sector while being exposed to those technologically ignorant and the über geeks of the world. I started to find my place as an interpreter so that both sides could communicate their issues. I enjoy the challenges and solutions that I have taken apart of with i3. The company is truly different than the cookie-cutter careers I have had, seen and fought to avoid.

I have lived in West Michigan all my life and love the constant variety of weather this Great Lake State offers. It can be 80 degrees in March or snowing in October but the change of seasons make some days feel like an adventure. It is harder to take the good days for granted. In my free time I enjoy avoiding trees while mountain biking and keeping from under cars while on the road. Nothing clears my RAM like hiking Michigan’s many trails and camping in the great outdoors. First world problems are easily forgotten when trying to avoid being mauled by a bear. Jogging and running are on a “need to survive” basis. I also enjoy a wide variety of video games on PC and mobile.

Brian Smith